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L’agence consulaire de France in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
“Si les Français n’existaient pas, les autres s’ennuieraient.”
Pierre Nora
Historien et membre de l’Académie Française
Avril 2, 2004: Visit of the Jeanne d'Arc.
La Jeanne d'Arc (helicopter carrier of the French Navy).
The son of the Beaujolais explaining what this wine and region are all about.
July 1, 2008:
France takes over the Presidency of the European Union and the Eiffel Tower turns blue!
Click on either photo and you will find yourself on top of the Eiffel Tower scanning Paris! Don't forget to try all the buttons at the bottom of the photo.
November 24, 2009: Visit of the Consul Général of France in Saint John.
Ms. Anne-Cécile Grunenwald, Attachée culturelle, Mr.
Gilles Courrègelongue, Consul Général, His Worship Mayor Ivan Court,
and Dr. Thierry Chopin, Vice-consul honoraire.
January 15, 2010: Consular meeting at the French Embassy in Ottawa.
Entrance to the Embassy.
Consular meeting. Consular meeting.
Lunch in the Embassy dining room.
His Excellence Monsieur l'Ambassadeur François Delattre and the Consuls
and Honorary Consuls of Eastern Canada.
April 10, 2011: Thierry Chopin re-appointed in his diplomatic functions.
After ten years, the re-appointment also came with a promotion: from Honorary Vice-Consul of France to Honorary Consul of France.
October 29, 2011: Zachary Richard in concert in Saint John.